Kaiser Permanente
The relationship with Kaiser Permanente will extend to Sentara Health Plans members in Northern Virginia. Kaiser Permanente member IDs will be uniquely distinguished with their company logo.
Kaiser Permanente member information will not be available on Availity or Sentara Health Plans Portal. Attempts to search these members will produce a message letting the user know the member is part of the collaboration between Sentara Health Plans and Kaiser Permanente. In order to access specific member information please log into www.providers.kp.org/mas.
Vendor Resources
We partner with Zelis for claims editing services for Medicaid, Medicare, and Commercial Lines of Business. In response to inquiries about the adjustment codes, we have developed reference materials that includes sourcing and examples explaining why an edit is triggered. Zelis is considered a business associate of Sentara Health Plans, as defined by HIPAA. You may disclose protected health information (PHI) to Zelis without prior written participant authorization or consent. Zelis will perform periodic reviews of medical records to ascertain and/or verify charges billed to Sentara Health Plans.
Zelis will provide services including, but not limited to:
- ICD-l0 alignment with CPT/HCPCs coding accuracy
- clinical chart review
- laboratory coding
- coding and modifiers
- encourage follow-up visits via telehealth when appropriate to the principal diagnosis
- submit claims and encounter data timely
Quest Diagnostics
Locate Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Centers in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia
Locate Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Centers in Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee
SHP Self-Funded Employer Group_Quest Diagnostics Exceptions