Want to save some time and receive commission payments sooner? Sign up to receive payments via electronic funds transfer (EFT).
After you sign up, your commission payments will be transferred directly into your bank account. You will no longer need to wait for checks to arrive in the mail or hassle with deposits. As an added benefit, you’ll be able to view your commission statements online.
If not enrolled in the Zelis Payments Network, an enrollment option must be completed to receive electronic payments or payment will be issued by check and sent via U.S. mail. Alternative payment options are also available, including virtual credit card and paper check. If you have any questions or want to change your payment method, please call 1-855-496-1571 or visit zelis.com/providers/provider-enrollment/.
Follow these steps to register:
- Copy sentarahealthplans.epayment.center into your web browser and select Sign up Now!
- Brokers, agents, and vendors who don't have a corporate NPI number must fill in the field with the following 10-digit number: 9999999999. Then, use your social security number or TIN number in the TIN field.
- Click the "Verify" button and follow the instructions to obtain a registration code. A link will be sent to you within a day. Please make sure to check your spam folder.
- Once you receive the link, complete your registration and set up your account.
- Sign in to the portal and enter your bank account information to enroll.
- Review and accept the Automated Clearing House Network (ACH) agreement. Then, click “Submit.”
For questions, call Zelis’ Sentara Health Plans ePayment center membership services at 1-855-774-4392 Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m.–7 p.m. or Friday between 9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. You may also email help@epayment.center.